Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why Should We Conserve Forests free essay sample

A great variety of plants and animals exist on earth. They are essential for the survival of mankind. Today , a major threat to survival of these organisms is deforestation. We know that deforestation means clearing forests and using the land for other purposes. Trees in the forestare cut for procuring land for cultivation,building houses and factories and making furniture or using wood as fuel. Some natural causesof deforestation are forest fires and severe droughts. We know that deforestation disturbs the balance in nature. If cutting of trees continues, rainfall and the fertility of the soil decrease. Moreover, there will be increased chancesof natural calamities such as floods and droughts. To protect our flora fauna and habitats, protected areas called sanctuaries , national parks and biosphere reserves have been earmarked. Plantation, cultivation, grazing, felling trees, hunting and poaching are prohibited there. Sanctuaries are Areas where animals are protected from any disturbance to them and their habitat. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Should We Conserve Forests or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page National parks are Areas reserved for wild life where they can freely use the habitats and natural resources. Biosphere reserves are large areas of protected land for conservation of wild life, plant and animal resources and traditional life of the tribals living in the area. we should conserve forests to maintain eco system in the world, if forests are depleted continuously then global warming effect will increase and natural disasters will take place which disturb ecosystem global warming or green house effect is caused due to increase in the amount of carbondioxide in the air or atmosphere. It absorbs the heat of the sunlight and it does not let some amount of heat to go out of the atmosphere due to which ice sheets are melting continuously and amount of water in oceans is increasing day by day and floods are taking place. So its our duty to conserve forests for the future generation. save forests save life.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Landslides essays

Landslides essays Causing $1-2 billion in damages and more than 25 deaths per year, landslides are a major geologic hazard, caused by earthquakes and floods. Although, landslides are generally not as exciting or costly as earthquakes, major floods, tropical storms, and other natural disasters, they occur in more expanded places and may cause more property damage than any other geologic hazards. A wide variety of ground movements, such as rock falls, slope failure, and shallow debris flows can classify landslides. When a portion of a hill slope cannot support its own weight a landslide will occur. When rainfall or some other water source increases the water content of the slope the weakness is irritated, reducing the strength of the materials. Although gravity acting upon an increased slope is the main reason for a landslide, there are other elements that contribute to its cause. Loud sounds that occur during an earthquake also cause landslides. Erosion caused by rivers, glaciers, or ocean waves create oversteepened slopes. Heavy rains and melting snow weaken rock and soil slopes. Furthermore, vibrations from machinery, traffic, and even thunder may trigger failure of weak slopes. Excess water can run through slope material and can cause a debris flow or mud flow. The rock and mud left over after a landslide may pick up anything in its path, such as trees, hous es, and cars, causing bridges and tributaries to become blocked which causes flooding throughout its path. Even though, the natural cause of most landslides is unable to be stopped, geologic investigations, good engineering practices and effective enforcement of land-use management regulations can cut back landslide danger. Landslides effect every state in the United States territory. The Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coastal Ranges and few parts of Alaska and Hawaii have intense landslide problems. USGS marine scientists have recently identified...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Freedom of Expression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freedom of Expression - Essay Example The Alien and Sedition Acts are landmark policies that aimed to curtail the freedom of expression. The Alien Acts pertain to the status of naturalization of aliens, extending the required years of residence from five to fourteen years. They also include the legalization of actions against aliens, such as giving the President or his administrative assistants, the power to deport aliens who are deemed as threats to the government. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime for any person to make â€Å"any false, scandalous, and malicious† statement about the U.S. government, Congress, or President (Werhan 12). The Congress opposed the Sedition Act. Republicans argue that the First Amendment does not give power for Congress to regulate the freedom of expression (Werhan 12). They also emphasize that it prevented citizens from getting the information they need to vote their officials in and out the office (Werhan 12). This movement expanded the freedom of expression to closely reflec t the goals of the First Amendment and to protect the freedom of speech in relation to criticisms against the government.The Alien and Sedition Acts are landmark policies that aimed to curtail the freedom of expression. The Alien Acts pertain to the status of naturalization of aliens, extending the required years of residence from five to fourteen years. They also include the legalization of actions against aliens, such as giving the President or his administrative assistants, the power to deport aliens who are deemed as threats to the government. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a crime for any person to make â€Å"any false, scandalous, and malicious† statement about the U.S. government, Congress, or President (Werhan 12). The Congress opposed the Sedition Act. Republicans argue that the First Amendment does not give power for Congress to regulate the freedom of expression (Werhan 12). They also emphasize that it prevented citizens from getting the information they need to vote their officials in and out the office (Werhan 12). This movement expanded the freedom of expression to closely reflect the goals of the First Amendment and to protect the freedom of speech in relation to criticisms against the government. The abolitionists used the freedom of speech to fight for the â€Å"immediate end of slavery† (Werhan 15). They formed organizations, held public rallies and meetings, and even directly advocated slaveholders, by sending them antislavery publications (Werhan 15). The abolitionists attacked slavery in the national media because they believed that by doing so, they could make the abolition of slavery as the primary agenda of the government (Werhan 15). The Southern slave states fought back by banning anti-slavery speech (Werhan 15). When the abolitionist, Presbyterian minister Elijah P. Lovejoy was killed by a mob trying to burn his warehouse, where he protected free press, it further fueled the fire for freedom of expression (Werhan 16). His death highlighted the urgency of protecting the freedom of expression as a right of all citizens, so that they may be protected against the infringement of civil freedoms.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The state removing children from their parents and taking them into Essay

The state removing children from their parents and taking them into protective custody - Essay Example For some parents, drugs are more important than their kids. Such people may make their children use these drugs (compelling children to use drugs). Children are nuisances for another group of parents. All these results in severe child abuse issues. There were cases when children had to undergo heavy physical tortures also. When parents get divorced, children have to stay with one of the parents or with relatives or other caretakers. They may have to undergo physical and mental abuse and even big assaults also. Such children will be deprived of parent’s love and care and will lose a good family environment. Relatives and caretakers will be least bothered about their welfare and will torture them to maximum. These abused and neglected children will suffer from various mental and physical problems that can lead them to wrong paths. Some children are exposed to drugs in their childhood itself since they their parents use drugs. Children, who are brought up in families where there are frequent fights, will naturally have fighting mood or other bad characteristics. Also if parents are having criminal background and other unlawful practices, children who are brought up in that environment also will have criminal characters and behaviors. Children are abused in different ways and are made deprived of all their childhood happiness and privileges. They are troubled and exploited and are subjected to mental and physical exploitations. There were incidents in which children were beaten, burnt and killed even. In a particular case, a petition was filed in Waukesha County Juvenile Court in order to keep 3 girl children in protective custody as their drug-addicted father troubled them making them accompany him during a crack cocaine binge. In another incident in 2004, a 9-month-old boy died accidentally and later doctor’s testified that the child’s injuries were

Monday, November 18, 2019

Identify the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Essay

Identify the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Determining the Physical and Mental Health Status of the Ind - Essay Example 47). As a common knowledge, Alzheimer’s disease is hereditary. The fact that Lucinda’s grandfather had dementia increases her risks of developing the same illness. With this in mind, Lucinda’s changes in her behaviour such as depression including her difficulty in following conversations, and the feeling of excessive tiredness can be explained by the psychosocial impact of having an Alzheimer’s disease. The role of psychotherapists is to allow newly diagnosed individuals to effectively deal with their negative feelings whereas the social workers are trained to help patients with Alzheimer’s disease deal with their social problems with their family members, at work, or within the community (Thompson and Bass, 2009). In most cases, psychotherapy can be used to initially diagnose the level of Lucinda’s depression. By referring her to a psychotherapist as one of the clinical interventions for her case, Lucinda and her partner may find it easier t o accept and deal with the agitation, anxiety, and depression this couple is going through after knowing that Lucinda is at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Lucinda is having difficulty trying to remember the names of people she worked with every day. For this reason, there is an increased risk wherein Lucinda might end up isolating herself from other people. To avoid making herself or other people feel bad, she made it a habit to cover up some of these occasions from her friends and family members in order to save face. However, the patient should be informed that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease (Lu and Bludau, 2011, p. 60). To make it easier for the patient to deal with cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional changes, Lucinda should receive psychological and social intervention to make her understand and be emotionally prepared for other serious physical and mental health changes as the Alzheimer’s diseases progresses to a more advance sta ge. To identify the presence of brain damage, either MRI or PET scan can be used. In general, the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the presence of plaques and tangles in the brain. Common among the aging individuals, the presence of ?-amyloid plagues, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), and the neuronal cell death are among the main factors that can cause the patients to undergo a neurodegenerative process (Kumer et al., 2010, pp. 1313 – 1317; Jackson-Siegal, 2005). Although these substances can also be found among elderly patients without Alzheimer’s disease, Jackson-Siegal (2005) explained that one of the most unique feature of Alzheimer’s disease is that these plagues and tangles are localized in the brain in parallel to the clinical symptoms. With regards to familial Alzheimer’s disease, mutations on chromosomes 21, 19, 14, 12, and 1 is responsible for these changes (Barlow and Durand, 2012, p. 546; Cummings et al., 1998). Even though Lucinda is experiencing episodes of worsening and frequent forgetfulness, confusion, and difficulty to remember names of people she worked each day; the fact that she can still recognize her partner strongly suggest that she is having a mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (Jackson-Siegal, 2005). In general, the entorhinal cortex is connected to the hippocampus – responsible for our memory formation, and the cerebral cortex. In the case of Lucinda, her memory loss or the short-term recall can be explained by the presence

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Is Effective Production Management Commerce Essay

What Is Effective Production Management Commerce Essay To begin with, effective production management is impossible without scientific management. Scientific management is a part of the cycles production management at the operational level. It should be based on scientific achievements and best practices to ensure increasing productivity and preserving human health. It is important to mention that an American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor was the first scientific engineer, who used and formalized scientific management and highlighted its four principles. Milton (1957) stated that Taylor was an innovator and an entrepreneur in his field, and he had more than his share of emulators, rivals, and disciples (p. 23). According to Finn Borum (1980), Frederick Taylor worked on promoting efficiency in manufacturing enterprises around the turn of the century (p. 288). Scientific management is a process of improving the labor organization based on scientific achievements and excellence. Scientific management is the labor organization based on modern scientific achievements and best practices, which were systematically introduced into the workplace. Scientific management allows combining technology and people in the labor process. In addition to the above-mentioned information, scientific management can be characterized as An approach within classical management theory that emphasizes the scientific study of work methods in order to improve worker efficiency (Bartol and Martin, 1998, p. 41). Scientific managements implementation saves time and is an important growth factor productivity of living labor. The importance and value of scientific management is that it allows you to save hard work as a result of better use of the productions material elements. Moreover, the importance of scientific management to organizations is also that it solves the problems of wasted human effort and promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. And, finally, the improvement of labor organization gives an opportunity to save future labor by taking into account the requirements of scientific management on the stage of companies, equipment and processes design. George (1968) said that Taylors work had importance in ways directly germane to operations research. His contributions, great as they were intrinsically, were even more valuable in revealing the merit of creating elements of organization whose object was not the performance of operations, but their analysis: It is difficult t o overemphasize the importance of this first basic step: the formation of organizations for research on operationshis work led to better decisions than those which were possible, and in most cases, necessary before (pp. 151-152). Scientific management plays an important role in solving the problems of improving production efficiency and improves product quality. The main directions of scientific management are: Improvement of forms of division and cooperation of labor in enterprises; Improvement of the workplaces organization and maintenance; Rationalization of techniques and methods of work; Improvement of work quota setting; Preparation and training the workforce; Improvement of the working conditions; Rationalization of work and rest; Strengthening of labor discipline; Increase of employees creative activity. The main key characteristics of scientific management: scientific management calls for the scientific methods application to work in order to define the best method for solving each task. Scientific management admits that the employees should be scientifically chosen based on their professional qualifications and trained to carry out their work in the optimum manner. Scientific management aimed at addressing the following interrelated tasks: economic, psycho-physiological and social. The economic task deals with the equipments complete use, raw materials, and increase of labor productivity. The creation of favorable working environment, which is very important for the workers health, their working capacity is the solution of the psychophysiological task. The solution of the social task aimed at increasing satisfaction of the labors conditions and results. It should be noted that scientific management has a clearly defined set of the tasks. There is an interaction between scientific management and improvement of other elements of the organization of production. This is especially manifested in the organization of workplaces. The labor organization is associated with production of elements, such as equipment and technology. The labor organization affects the type and nature of production. The major components of scientific management are the division of labor and cooperation. The division of labor in the enterprise means an isolation of separate partial work processes to reduce the production cycle due to the simultaneous execution of various jobs and improvement of work productivity. It is important to mention that the organizers of production at the enterprises of the countries with developed market economies pay great attention to the reduction of manufacturing cycle time. This is due to the fact that the reduction of manufacturing cycle time is a central task of the organization and management of production, an indicator of the effectiveness of managerial work. The high level of specialization indicates production standards. The division of labor is impossible without its cooperation. The cooperations objective is to ensure coherence between the actions of individual employees or groups of employees performing a variety of work functions. The division of labor and cooperation are two interrelated and complementary aspects of production management. The division of labor can be technological, functional, qualifying and professional. The technological division of labor is divided into phases, types of work, products, sites that detail technological operations. It determines the placement of workers in accordance with production technology and greatly affects the level of works importance. An important task of a work organizator consists of finding the optimal level of the technological division of labor. The functional division of labor depends on nature of staff functions in production and their participation in the production process. According to this criterion, workers are divided into workers and employees. Employees are divided into leaders, professionals and technical executors. In turn, the workers can be functional groups of main workers: service and support, groups of maintenance and transport workers: quality inspectors, working for energy services, etc. The qualifying division of labor divides into complexity and accuracy of work in accordance with professional knowledge and experience. The division of labor is carried out under the skill level of the employees. The professional division of labor divides into trades, professions, grades and categories. With the help of the above-stated principles and components of scientific management, it is possible to i ncrease specialization in production in order to accentuate worker rights in the shop floor. Sullivan admitted that This mass production model of shop-floor control depends on two key assumptions: a job is a precisely defined series of tasks; and seniority is the criterion for the allocation of jobs (1987, p. 96). In order to compare and contrast scientific management to more modern management approach, such as total quality management (TQM), it is possible to say that the difference between these two approaches is that the main idea of TQM is that the company should work not only on product quality, but also on work quality as a whole, including the staff work. The continual improvement of these three components is: quality, quality of process organization, and qualifications of staff can achieve more rapid and effective business development. Quality is defined by categories, such as a degree of implementation of customer requirements and growth in financial performance. But the main idea of scientific management is that labor organization is an integral part of the organization of production. The basis of scientific management is the division of labor, which involves the separation of major works from the subsidiary preparatory and ancillary works. These actions help to improve the usage of working time of skilled employees. It is possible to conclude that both management approaches are very important for all types of organizations and are the basis of modern management. Nowadays, scientific management plays a big role in the modern organizations process and it has a direct relevance to the modern business environment. A good example is McDonalds Corporation, one of the largest fast-food restaurants, which still applies the principles and basic standards of scientific management in its organizational process. McDonalds Corporation always tries to promote its workers through different practical and effective ways. For instance, McDonalds uses different types of promotion programs and competitive salaries. It takes many different forms from the thankful words to financial incentives or even to a wide recognition of Employee of the Month. In addition, Macdonalds applies the methods associated with a scientific study. Moreover, the company scientifically selects, trains, and develops each worker and employee. Seldon, Ingraham, and Jacobson (1999) write The selection process is one of the most critical human resource functions because it supplies persons with specific knowledge skills and abilities needed to perform public services. (p. 602). This is a strong tradition and an essential part of work for McDonalds to train its employees scientifically and practically. McDonalds puts into practice the third principle of scientific management and cooperates with its workers, teaching and helping them in every way. McDonalds divides work into equal parts between managers and employees. Every worker keeps his/her place and is occupied only with his/her job. In summary, it is possible to draw a conclusion that scientific management is a set of measures aimed at achieving the greatest results in the organization of production. Scientific managements implementation creates the conditions for health workers to maintain their efficiency, increase the period of their employment, growth, cultural and technical level of workers. Taylor, who is considered to be a father of scientific management, made a great contribution to the development of a new worldview. His disciple Carl Barth stated that My dream is that the time will come when every drill press will be speeded just so, and every planer, every lathe the world over will be harmonized just like musical pitches are the same all over the worldso that we can standardize and say that for drilling a 1-inch hole the world over will be done with the same speedThat dream will come true, some time (1914, p. 889). Modern scientific management consists of organizational, technical, psycho-physiological and techno-economic aspects of work organization and management.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Meditation: The Balance of Life Essay -- Religion, Buddhism, Hinduism,

All throughout history Buddhist monks and the eastern religion have been performing meditation, but recently anyone has been trying it. Meditation is a practice that someone may train their mind to be in a state of consciousness that benefits their mind and body. Meditation is about paying attention, focusing and being very calm. It sharpens creativity and performance while enhancing relationships. Meditators find when they stop taking things in life so seriously, the self drops away. They are more direct and absorb life easier. (Ellison 3) Meditation has been around for thousands of years. In every religion, the instructions for meditating are the same, only the words differ. There are two major types of meditation that may benefit the user. By meditating the human mind may find peace and enhancement of mental activity and awareness. It's very simple to do, and only takes a small amount of your time a day. (Roach 3) Meditation originated in the eastern religion with Buddhism and Hinduism. Monks have meditated their whole life, through time, helping them become better people. Tibetans and the Dalai Lama have been performing meditation intensely for centuries. These Buddhist followers train using the Tibetan Nyingmapa and Kagyupa traditions for about 10,000 to 50,000 hours over 15-40 years. At one time meditation was part of the basic training for the entire Mozambique military. (Kaufman 2)(Roach 2) Thinking and other mental activity produce short bursts of electrical activity in the brain called gamma waves. In studies monks, who have been training the longest, have higher levels of gamma waves. Gamma waves are some of the highest-frequency brain impulses; they are also the most important electrical brain impulses. G... ... and let your mind be vigilant. If you hear distractions or have thoughts, let them go. Be happy you noticed them; don't feel as if they interrupted your meditation. Continue doing this daily for 10-20 minutes and notice the effects it may have on you. Continue this practice until it gets easier and use whenever needed. Scientific data shows it has its benefits, as I listed most. Most doctor visits are from stress, so by meditating once or twice daily the visits to the doctor will be less. I actually am thinking about trying it out myself. If the benefits sounded as great to you, as they did to me, I hope you'll try it yourself. Meditation can help balance out your life, why not try it? It's fairly simple and fast. In the future, I predict meditation will be a major part of any person’s life to help deal with everyday frustrations a little easier. (Roach 3)